Adding or removing drivers

After you have created a build disk, you can add drivers to, or remove drivers from the build disk. To add drivers, you must first have added the drivers to the server.

To open the Build Disk Properties window

  1. From the left-hand pane, expand Picture of the Computers icon Computers, then expand Picture of the Build icon Build and choose Picture of the Build Disks icon Build Disks.

  2. From the right-hand pane, right-click the build disk and from the menu, choose Properties.

To add drivers to a build disk

  1. Click the Add Drivers button. A list of available drivers is displayed. You can filter the list by clicking the headings and selecting from the drop-down lists.

  2. From the Available Drivers list, select the drivers you wish to add and click the Add button. The drivers are added to the Selected Drivers list. To remove drivers from the Selected Drivers list, select them and click the Remove button.

  3. To add the selected drivers to the build disk, click the OK button.

To remove drivers from a build disk

  1. From the Additional Drivers list, select the drivers and click the Remove button.

  2. Click the OK button.


  • You can also open a selected build disk's properties by choosing Picture of the Properties button in the toolbar, or from the File menu choosing Properties.

Related Topics

Create a build disk
Generate a build disk image

Build disk: overview